Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chapter 9 world history AP notes Essay

Overall Summary (ablongman)- â€Å"In addition to the great civilizations of Asia and North Africa forming during the postclassical period, two related major civilizations formed in Europe. The Byzantine Empire, in western Asia and southeastern Europe, expanded into eastern Europe. The other was defined by the influence of Catholicism in western and central Europe. The Byzantine Empire, with territory in the Balkans, the Middle East, and the eastern Mediterranean, maintained very high levels of political, economic, and cultural life between 500 and 1450 C.E. The empire continued many Roman patterns and spread its Orthodox Christian civilization through most of eastern Europe, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. Catholic Christianity, without an imperial center, spread in western Europe. Two separate civilizations emerged from the differing Christian influences† The Byzantine Empire â€Å"The Byzantine Empire unfolded initially as part of the greater Roman Empire. Then, as this framework shattered with Roman decline, it took a life of its own, particularly from the reign of Emperor Justinian onward. It centered on a territory different from and smaller than the eastern Mediterranean as Rome had defined it. This was the result of new pressures, particularly the surge of Islam throughout North Africa and the bulk of the Middle East. Despite many attacks, the empire flourished until the 11th century.† Origins of the Empire: †¢You can think of the beginning of the empire as the 4th century CE oThis was when the Romans set up their western capitol of Constantinople †¢This one city became a strong and thriving center of an empire with a falling imperial structure †¢Emperor Constantine started to build many elaborate buildings, some of which were Christian churches oBuild his city off of the small town of Byzantium oEastern emperors would rule from this new city †¢Even before the fall of western Rome †¢Warded off intruders (including the Huns) †¢Had a solid tax base because of the peasant agriculture of the eastern Mediterranean †¢Emperor Justinian (in the 6th century) changed the official language to Greek (Latin had been the court language of the eastern empire; however, it became inferior & considered barbaric) oThis Greek knowledge gave scholars of the eastern empire to read the ancient Athenian philosophical and literary classics & the Hellenistic writings freely †¢High levels of commerce (Had been in the eastern Mediterranean) helped the new empire †¢Hellenized Egyptians and Syrians started to become involved in their administration oThis was due to the fact that many of them were moving to Constantinople (& entered the expanding bureaucracy) †¢Byzantine empire had many foreign enemies

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mahou Factory

Mahou Factory Visit Mahou is a Spanish brewery house founded in the year 1890, in the capital Madrid. The company created a reputation for it self that precedes it even now a days, for its quality of production and the traditionalism of the production. Today the company is among the largest and most powerful brewery in Spain with a dominant market share. The main brewery factory, being the one we visited, is located in the outskirts of Madrid, Alovera Guadalajara to be more specific. The Factory is the biggest in Spain and second biggest in Europe, it is unique in Europe for its complex automatized process and innovative technology.The factory produces up to 4 million liters of beer a DAY. Trough out our visit we could observe the process of production of the beer, most being completely automatized, yet having key workers in key locations were mistakes cannot occur. Even the most efficient machines can make mistakes, the problem is that the problem wont be spotted it since its and au tomatized process therefore you need the scientist and key workers in place to reassure the smoothness of the process. This could be considered a poki oki in Japanese terms or a security measure for the avoidance of problems in the production process.From the beginning we could observe a complex system practically runed by computers, the only un automatized process is the lab and examination of samples. But in order to keep control of quality, it’s a process that need to be done with detail and personal, to keep better control of quality even if the cost for it might be high. This with the large control room constantly observing and controlling the brewing process day and night, 24/7, 365 days a year, make it a supper efficient machine for quality control and cost control.The control room has constant machines and computers controlling the brewing process from start to end including the bottling and packaging, This is then combines with a couple of professionals constantly ex amining and managing the process of production with constant control like sample taking to ensure that the quality and process is going to perfection. With this, we can surely say we are of to a good start. Continuing on with the quality control process we then have again several controls to ensure quality, like exporting the water from the erfect mineralization from Guadalajara, like exporting the main resources needed to ensure that their customer gets the quality expected always. After the brewing process there are several other controls like the bottle revision that ensures that they are clean, then there’s another machine ensuring that they all have the perfect measurements (full) with a laser measurer, after wards a few samples are taken from the produced batch of the day to again lastly ensure that the quality is the desired one.Furthermore we can also observe the cost efficiency process in place. Even though the machinery implemented is expensive in the long term it c uts cost by huge amounts ensuring less mistakes higher quality and happier customers. The control room cuts cost by having many less workers doing the control process over the brewing production process by having it all automatized, not counting how more efficient it is.Then they cut cost by implementing this brewing tanks outside the factory were its easier to obtain the liquid in bigger quantities. But, by a long shot the most efficient cost cutting control is the logistics the factory built right next to the high way to have a quick and easy way to transport and move things. Also they have deals with multiple other breweries to bottle their bear were they do not have a factory in order to make it seemingly less costly and easier to distribute their product.Lastly, I will talk about their green impact on the world, or ecological controls. Now days every company is striving to be a leader as social responsible and environmentally friendly. Every company ahs its motives for this, so me marketing technique, others tax benefits or company reputation etc. What’s very admirable of Mahou’s environmental help to the world is that it not only gives good company reputation, tax, etc, its that it is cost reducing also making it cost efficient.Mahous recycles 90 % or more in some cases, of their bottles and containers, due to a deal established with the distributor and maker of the beer containers. This is extremely efficient and green for the environment counting the huge amount of production and trash they are avoiding creating. With both eh process distinguishing the broken or defect bottles and the un-cleanable they have created a perfect quality, cost and environmental friendly control all in one, keeping to its name and reputation.

An Exploration Into 14 Bauhaus Books by Lazlo Moholy-Nagy in Relation to Visual Culture Essay

When analysing ‘the 14 bauhaus books’ by Lazlo Moholy-Nagy (see figure 1) in relation to it’s historical context, at least 5 components have to be considered. These are: the image itself; the movement it is part of; the artist, Lazlo Moholy-Nagy, that made it; the bauhaus- the institute it was produced for and where the artist taught – and how these parts have changed or influenced modern times. My argument is that all of these separate components, the main being the movement of Modernism, made life better for the International populations that welcomed it, through the universal progression that modernism once promised. 4 Bauhaus Books is not a ‘pretty’ image. The dirty red mixed with the hard texture of the metal type is not pleasing to the eye for any viewer. But then again it is not meant to be pleasing, the image is a brochure cover, nothing more. Although by todays standards it is crude in design, vaguely relating to the brochure that it covers, which does go into detail about some new typographical forms, it was rather advanced for 1929 as it was a Modernist piece – rejecting decoration. No longer focussing on decoration produced a new language of design that could be understood by everyone, including workers in modern industry. Moholy-Nagy followed his own teachings on typography fully, stating that: â€Å"Letters should never be squeezed into an arbitrary shape†¦ like a square. A new typographic language must be created combining elasticity, variety and a fresh approach to the materials of printing†¦. † (Naylor, 1968, p. 127) This approach to communication through printed material can still be seen today, particularly in adverts which have a very short amount of time to impact on and communicate to an audience. A ‘stand-out’ type coupled with a few witty lines has found itself at the centre of most printed advertisements today (see figure 2), which, it could be argued, can trace it’s heritage back to the modernists ideas of simplicity. We are all now accustomed to this, but back in the early 1900s it was met with fierce opposition and, although new aesthetics were being created, official designers and architects preferred to follow the word of Ruskin who stated: â€Å"We want no new architecture†¦ The forms of architecture already known to us are good enough for us, and far better than any us† (Naylor, 1968, p. ) This narrow-minded approach to design held back progress and kept Europe’s standard of living the same, which, especially for the working classes, was unacceptable. From this, modernism rejected the historical styles before it, such as the Enlightenment phase, that focussed on decoration and perceived that ‘greatness lay in the reconstruction of the past’. Instead modern designers, in the smoke of the Industrial Revolution, created a new style – the ‘International Style’. The ‘International Style’ had called for change and the change was to blur the class distinctions. The â€Å"millions of†¦ home-owners†¦ painted their walls beige† (Greenhalgh, 1990, p52) in an attempt to fit in with this style. This cheap method of interior design, using hardwood for fittings and mass produced light fittings made the ‘International Style’ available and popular. Modernism created objects that functioned with little or no decoration. These objects were mass produced,widely available and more importantly cheap to purchase. For example the Tefal kettle (see figure 3) which has only the water gauge projecting out of a white block for decoration. This simplistic approach to design was, in the eyes of the modernists, an enhancement of purity. The same could be said for ’14 books’. That it’s simplicity is it’s decoration and that the text is the ‘object’ needed for its design purpose. Something functional yet visually satisfying. Modernist designers used the technique of abstraction in their work to help convey a visual trend and to combine the three areas they believed to be true design. This was architecture, furniture and graphic design. Abstraction meant that modernists could use ideas found in a particular building or a colour palette from a painting to create solid habitable homes or items for these homes. A well known example for this is from the painting of Mondrian – composition in red and blue (see figure 4). This was abstracted by the designer Rietveld to create a home (see figure 5) and a chair (see figure 6). Both of which the user had to engage with, as the world had gained a passive lifestyle – the chair was designed for better seated posture and the home bragged fold out compartments, tables and beds so that living was a conscious decision. Unfortunately the chair was not mass produced and only a prototype as there was â€Å"not enough interest in it, as it was not comfortable to sit in† (retrieved on January 10, 2011, from www. contemporarypractice. wordpress. com). This abstraction was seen as a rational use of design, using one ‘useful’ item aesthetics to create another and was used by most modernist designers. The downside to this would be that everything lacked spontaneity. Supposedly a unique series of furniture could look like another, but modernists did not mind this, as they wanted everyone to be equal. The Bauhaus, of course, was the school of modernist design in Europe. It symbolised new technologies and ideas for teaching. Even the building (see figure 7) was a modernist piece. The building had no decoration except for the glass sheets that covered it, which itself was a relatively new item, having been invented in 1832. Glass sheeting, ironically, was used in the crystal palace, which was a celebration of the aristocracies achievements, the opposite message of modernists to â€Å"†¦ reate a new guild of craftsmen, without the class distinctions which raise an arrogant barrier between craftsman and artist. † (Naylor, 1968, p. 9) This quest for the combination of form and function is, in my opinion, found in Josef Hartwig’s 1924 chess set that has, instead of the traditional figures, pieces that consist of geometric shapes (see figure 8). The design of each piece shows how it moves- for example the 2 diagonal lines that make the bishop’s cross show that i t is constrained to diagonal movement. The negative side of this simplicity was a lack of emotion in all creations, as well as an impersonal approach to design. These made the masses feel common, which did not sit well with the elite of the time, who were used to the decorative forms of the Romantics that preceded them. This was, in many ways the enemy of the Bauhaus, referred to as â€Å"that strange decorative disease†(Naylor, 1968, p. 14). Simplicity was key for the Bauhaus and 14 Bauhaus Books was no exception. Understated colours and the photograph used for the main image how this. The type itself is clear and typical of the Bauhaus. Lazlo Moholy-Nagy taught at this revered school and stressed that â€Å"Typography must be clear communication in its most vivid form. Clarity must be especially stressed, for clarity is the essence of modern printing. † (Naylor, 1968, p. 127)Clarity is indeed expressed in ’14 Bauhaus Books’, where no complex symbolisms or congested space occurs. Lazlo Moholy-Nagy’s views on teaching was as radical as his rules. He sought to rid the preliminary course he took over in 1923 of emotion. He saw the soul as part of the body and not in control of it. This wasn’t welcomed by some of his colleagues and students, who described his arrival as â€Å"a pike in a pond full of goldfish† (Whitford, 1984, p. 128). Moholy-Nagy differed from his predecessor in every way. He wore a pair of overalls and nickel-rimmed glasses, emulating an industrial worker , whereas the former teacher, Itten, dressed more like a monk, with a perfectly shaved head – â€Å"creating an aura of spirituality and communion with the transcendal† (Whitford, 1984, p. 23) – mirroring the enlightenment movement that modernism rejected. Moholy-Nagy was to cast out everything irrational in his course. Instead he focussed on teaching techniques and a wider variety of media, stating that: â€Å"anyone who knew nothing about photography was a kind of visual illiterate, and that an artist who restricted himself to any single media should not be taken seriously. † This can be seen in ’14 Bauhaus Books’, where a variety of media is used. The combination of photography, graphics and type give the design a very individual feel. For although Moholy-Nagy insisted he used no emotion, one can’t help but feel a personal aspect behind this cover, a contradiction to his own rule. Moholy-Nagy’s link with industry spilled over to an infatuation with the machine. The machine to him was ‘the’ invention of the century, replacing the transcendental spiritualism of past eras. He saw it as the way to gain equality for the masses. Stating that: â€Å"Everyone is equal before the machine†¦ There is no tradition in technology, no class-consciousness. Everyone can be the machine’s master or its slave. † (Whitford, 1984, p. 128) Using the machine as a figurehead, Moholy-Nagy, along with other modernists and constructivists bettered the world. The change brought about by modernism was huge. As the movement grew in popularity all classes changed their way of living. They were boxed in with hardwood fittings and lived in a functional, conscious home. These homes would later be criticised for being to small and impersonal, but at the time they were considered ‘the modern home’. It wasn’t just the home that was improved through modernism. Factories over Europe America and Asia used more and more machinery, quickly churning out more products in a day than a craftsman, what had come before, could produce in months. This led to more jobs, fewer costs and a better standard of life for everyone. Though this also was met by criticism: that the worker had become non-human, â€Å"an appendage to the machine† (Greenhalgh, 1990, p. 54). The fact that people worked 10-12 hour shifts to maintain their lifestyle did not sit well. Marxists stated that industrial work meant that â€Å"Man is alienated from other men. † (Greenhalgh, 1990, p. 54) It could be argued that the limitations and ideas set in place for this simple graphic design, which is rather crude by today’s standards, has helped the international masses. The change that came about because of the movement of modernism, along with Moholy-Nagy’s approach to design and the new tuition in the Bauhaus of a generation of architects, furniture designers and graphic designers has helped to shape the world of today. Modernist buildings fill today’s cities, from huge skyscrapers consisting of tons of glass, such as the Seagram Building, New York (see figure 9), to mass housing, that was and is cheap, yet functional. This International Style that ’14 Bauhaus Books’ boasts to belong to a collection millions of posters , magazine covers, and furniture designs. Always with its’ main aim to better daily life through technology, for â€Å"not the product the but man is the end in view† (Naylor, 1968,p. 156).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Regression Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Regression Paper - Essay Example Moreover, if the significance level is very small, practically less than 0.05, then, it means that the correlation is significant at the same time the two variables are linearly related. However, if the significance level is moderately large, then the correlation is insignificant and these two variables are not linearly related. The t statistics will determine the relative significance of each variable in the model. As a guide on the useful predictors, note for t values well, -2 or above +2. R squared is defined as the variation's proportion in the dependent variable and explained by the regression model. R square values range from 0 to 1. The correlations table presents Pearson correlation coefficients, the significance values, as well as the number of cases containing non-missing values. Clearly, Pearson correlation coefficients presume that data are normally distributed. Values of the correlation coefficient are in the array from -1 to 1. Subsequently, the sign we can see in the correlation coefficient designates the direction of the relationship (+ or -). The fixed value shown by correlation coefficient indicates the strength, if the absolute values are larger it means, it has stronger relationships. Moreover, if the significance level is very small, practically less than 0.05, then, it means that the correlation is significant at the same time the two variables are linearly related. However, if the significance level is moderately large, then the correlation is insignificant and these two variables are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Security Planning and Assessment Quiz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security Planning and Assessment Quiz - Essay Example Security personnel should also have some knowledge in regards to their role in the justice system and the legal process, aspects of evidence, and the ability to detain or arrest. A college education is an important part of everyone's life, even though it is not a requirement for working as a security guard. However, college courses in psychology, sociology, criminology, and security can be very helpful for anyone working in the security industry. Security consultants and managers have a greater need for a college education in security. It gives them a greater awareness of the industry and the most comprehensive knowledge on trends and research. It can also keep them abreast of changes in the law, the handling of evidence, or new processes and procedures available for private security. As managers, an educational background in management theories and styles is very important in today's technology based competitive world. One of the major asset protection challenges is the protection against cyber-crime. This area is one of the fastest growing, and fastest changing, fields within security. Not only are computer systems vulnerable to attack to transfer money from bank accounts, there is also massive amounts of information that needs to be secured. According to Ortmeier (2008), information is "the lifeblood of almost every enterprise" and "represents one of the most important vehicles for survival within a competitive global economy" (p.152). This information may relate to national defense, product design, or corporate strategy. Information security will continue to be a challenge as systems continually change and criminals sharpen their skills. Confronting this challenge will require security personnel with very high level computer skills. 4.) What trends in terrorism can we expect to see in the future Will the tactics and strategies terrorism uses remain the same or change In either case how will these strategies be used, and what steps should security do to reduce the potential for a terrorist act against their organizationOne of the trends in terrorism that will become more noticeable in the US will be the increase in crimes committed by terrorists to finance their terrorism (Hamm, 2005, p.1). Terrorist targets will become high value assets, or cyber crime that preys on bank accounts. In addition, the increase in cooperation among domestic terrorists, foreign terrorists, organized crime, and gangs could see an increase in multi-organizational operations. It could also open the door for terrorist 'outsourcing', where a gang commits the act but the terrorist organization takes credit for it. US gangs and organized crime could use their freedoms and protections to give the foreign terrorists an advantage. 5.) What role should the United States play in the future to international order, and what government policy implications regarding that role do you see that could impact

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Homework - Assignment Example Instead of acknowledging him as a treasure for his long service to the industry, his organizations hired a younger and more capable worker to oversee and assess his work (Schlossberg 57). He probably felt greatly unappreciated after all he had done for the company. Hank should first have taken time for a lengthy period of reflection in which to consider his options before returning to work. He might have asked for a few days for this. During this time, he could have confided in a counselor about his concerns and worries in the workplace. He could also have confided in support groups for elderly workers who are confronted by changes in the workplace that could very well portend their dismissal if they are unable to keep up with the changes. Elaine could have been more compassionate and given Hank more time to adapt to the changes in the workplace. She, as well as the other executives could also have started a support group as well as a training group specifically aimed at elderly workers such as Hank who were confounded by the new expectations that made them appear obsolete. No. I would have pleaded for more time to learn about the new methods of operation that were necessary to succeed in the changing market. I would openly have sought the help of other more productive workers in reaching the numbers of accounts that the company

Friday, July 26, 2019

Plato's Arguments for Rationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Plato's Arguments for Rationalism - Essay Example Plato’s arguments can be summarised in the following contest: a) Justification is simply by reason instead of senses. This means that there is need to move away from that world of cave that is explored by our sensory experience and move outside the cave to discover the world of forms by means of reason. b) Objects of knowledge such as forms are necessary, unchanging and external. Therefore, we are looking for the permanent order which underlies the flux. c) The most basic and important knowledge is priori that means that it does not rely on sensory information. Thus this is true knowledge of goodness, of mathematics, of justice and many others. d) Mathematics is simply like a model for the entire knowledge process. This implies that the easiest way that an individual can think of forms is by thinking of mathematical objects being the perfect circle.The theory of form is regarded to as one of Plato’s most powerful theory. It proposes that on top of the physical world tha t we sense in our midst, there is also another realm based on reality. This kind of realm is intelligible instead of being an observable sphere in existence; it is made up of absolute, unchanging, external, perfect forms that define that which exists imperfectly and fleetingly in our world of senses. The forms therefore provide knowledge regarding the objective truth. The theory of forms assists Plato’s epistemological theories in a number of ways.Epistemological theories are based on the account of what is meant by knowledge.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

An Approach to Recruitment and Selection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

An Approach to Recruitment and Selection - Essay Example Therefore, his belief regarding customer response and employee enthusiasm has created a considerable influence on the corporate vision of TyCoffi. Notably, the corporate vision of TyCoffi depicts that customers do not only buy a cup of coffee, but also intend on consuming memorable experiences which can be derived particularly from efficient service. Due to this reason, Mr. Mike Jones intends to provide with significant emphasise to boost the collaboration amid employees and encourage them to be more productive in their assigned work maintaining a healthy, coordinated and decentralised organisational structure. Another major facet that Mr. Mike Jones considers to be quite vital is the recruitment and selection process executed to employ competent, enthusiastic and candid employees. He wishes to expand the company with additional five coffee-houses in the Cardiff area, Penarth, Cyncoed, Cardiff Bay, Roath Park and Pontcanna for which he is willing to execute his recruitment and select ion process in a structured, rational and beneficial manner. With due consideration to Mr. Mike Jones’ objective towards overall organisational growth, this report will intend to summarise a detailed approach to recruitment and selection process that can be beneficial for enhancing the relationship between employer and employee in TyCoffi. 2.0. An Approach to Recruitment and Selection The process of recruitment and selection is perceived to be quite significant for an organisation operating in the 21st century with the intention of being competent and sustainable in the highly competitive environment of the era. From a strategic point of view, an effective recruitment and selection process assists the organisation to acclimatise itself in the continuously changing business environment as well as enhances the overall organisational productivity1. Hence, it is of no doubt why managers focus with immense significance to the recruitment and selection process. As often noted by pr actitioners, recruitment can be referred to as the process where the employers intend to attract potential candidates from the external as well as internal (i.e. from within the organisation) business environment2. As noted by Dale (2004), â€Å"The primary purpose of recruitment and selection process is to achieve one desired end: appointing the right person to the right job†3 (pp. 1). Considering the importance of an effective recruitment and selection process in rewarding sustainable growth to an organisation, various factors can be identified that should be taken into account by recruiters while developing the process. These factors can exist both in terms of micro and macro elements in the organisational structure. The micro environmental factors can be stated as the organisational culture, structure, human resource policies and practices along with the overall organisational objective. Similarly, the macro environmental factors can be identified as the availability of p otential candidates for the job offered relative to the pay scale along with the employment rules and regulations as prescribed by the regulatory bodies4. It is worth mentioning that the organisational culture followed in TyCoffi is decentralised in nature which depicts independent participation of individuals in the decision-making process.

European Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

European Business - Essay Example The most important institutions of EU are the Council of the European Union, European Commission, and the Court of Justice of the European Union, European Council and the European Central bank. These institutions play a vital role in ensuring that the policies and matters affecting the EU member states are taken care of (Nelson et al. 2012 P.1-5). Apart from the growth of EU member states, the Union has also undergone a number of significant changes since its formation in 1957. The most important changes, which have been witnessed, are the Single European Act of February 1986 and the Maastricht Treaty of February 1992, which led to the establishment of the Euro. The objective of this paper is to explore the importance of the Single European Act of February 1986 and the Maastricht Treaty of February 1992 and their impacts on the UK economy and business. The Current Problems in the Eurozone and the Response of EU Institutions The Eurozone has faced a lot of challenges over the recent y ears. For instance, what begun as a debt crisis in Greece towards the end of 2009 has evolved as a big economic crisis in Eurozone, which has threatened the economic stability in Europe and the world at large. In fact, some economic analyst views the Eurozone as the biggest threat to the economy of the United States according to Nelson et al. (2012 p.1). At least four major problems related to economic challenges have been identified with the Eurozone. These include weakness in the European banking system, high levels of debts and public deficit in Eurozone nations, persistent trade imbalances within Eurozone and the economic recession as well as high rates of unemployment in Eurozone countries. High level of public debts in Eurozone countries (periphery) The problem of high level of debts in some Eurozone countries has raised a lot of concerns as to whether these countries will default on these debts. These concerns arose after high debt levels in some countries in Eurozone periphe ry increased immediately after joining the eurozone over the past decade followed by the global financial meltdown of 2008-2009, which further strained the public finance. As a result, the worst affected countries such as Ireland, Greece and Portugal had to be bailed out by the Eurozone governments and IMF in order to pay off these debts. However, even after the bailout, a country like Greece is still seeking for ‘haicuts’(losses on bonds held by private creditors. Portugal is also argued to be considering restructuring its debt. Italy and Spain are also grappling with the problems of debts, which have seen many investors becoming increasingly nervous (Nelson et al. 2012 p.2-4). Secondly, weakness in the Eurozone banking system is raising a lot of concerns about the levels of public debts. The ongoing concerns regarding the crisis have triggered capital flight from banks among some Eurozone nations, and some banks are now reported to be experiencing a lot of difficultie s to borrow in capital markets. Furthermore, analysts argue that European banks have insufficient capital to absorb losses on their holdings of autonomous bonds in case any of the Eurozone country defaults (Nelson et al. 2012 p.2-4). The third problem experienced by the Eurozone concerns lack of growth and high unemployment in Eurozone member states. For instance, A survey conducted by the IMF in January 2012 downgraded the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Critically consider whether the study of the history and development Essay

Critically consider whether the study of the history and development of accounting promotes an understanding of present accounting practices - Essay Example ibution over time, historical skills of documentation to avoid loss or fragmentation of recognition, works and references of the past investigation of incomplete work and claims. Accounting history is a better instrument from policy perspective and the considerable assessor of exiting practices with the past. (Belkaoui, 13) To understand the future required development and guiding the future decision-making; history and interrelation between accounting is always helpful. Accounting often focuses on the records of large firms but that does not mean that it neglects the small firms. Small family business accounts depict the picture of the daily life and culture with respect to historical, economical and philosophical sphere. Financial data and documents highlight the differences in gender, class and the distribution of power and control. For the last fifteen years, there is a visible increase of discussion among the researcher to study the influence of accounting history in modern and postmodern history. (Fleischman, Radcliffe and shoemaker, 5-21) In the modern age, there had been steady development in the fields of business and economy. As trade and commerce increased, the world became smaller and the boundaries between the countries became thinner which helped the concept of Company to establish. The subject of accounting also assumed great significance with the development of business. The concept of taxation became more systematic and that resulted in maintaining proper accounting practices for all types of businesses and examining their level of taxes and profit. The field of accounting has gone through a vast change from the early days. Scholars have realized that this is a vast area of study and has promptly diversified it into Management and Financial Accounting. Financial Accounting deals in examining historical records and maintaining the fact file of the company. Both the external and internal parties in the business use the record generated by

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

OC organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

OC organizations - Essay Example large black market for alcohol and created the opportunity for many groups considered at one time small times to rise in prominence in organized crime. The black market created from alcohol was easily filled by criminals. This reason alone was strong enough to repeal prohibition in 1933. As a public health policy historians argue that prohibition did reduce alcohol use and the associated harm (Hall, 2010, p 1165). Many dry states created economic power for wet states willing to transfer and sale across state lines which was a popular activity in organized crime. It was very common for organized crime organizations to be on regular shipment and supply schedules with establishments subject to prohibition. At that time, before 1930, there were no uniform National crime statistics and national prohibition and the illicit income it produced was a factor in widespread corruption of police and public officials (Hall, 2010, p1168). Disagreements over illegal alcohol shipments and delivery contributed to an increase in murder rates in large cities such as Chicago. States considered ‘wet’ attributed increases in Federal arrests to prohibition and it was more accurate to assume these arrests reflected crime rates rather than actual enforcement. Political mechanisms operated in the legitimate and less legitimates worlds of prohibition, racketeering, and vices which caused a loss of control in American politics, corrupt officials and organized crime groups took over these roles. Many political systems overlooked organized crime enabling them to stay in power using the often very influential support of the organized crime groups, eliminating opposition and more easily raising funds (Beare, 1997, p 157). It is these very reasons why the problem was not eliminated much more efficiently by either law enforcement or the United States government. Illegal narcotics trade was estimated to be the second largest industry in the world in 2007 (Swanstrom, 2007, p3). Transnational

Monday, July 22, 2019

Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline Essay Example for Free

Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline Essay Although significant oil reserves have been found in the early 1970s, these could not be developed because: 1- Chad is a landlocked country with limited domestic demand; 2- civil war prevented the creation of a stable investment environment and caused the departure of several investors. Since peace was established in 1990, investors and the World Bank returned to Chad for developing its oil reserves. In order to justify the large investment, access to the world market was sought via a pipeline through Cameroon, which is also a relatively poor country that can benefit from the investment and transit revenues. The World Bank has been supporting natural resource extraction based development around the world and, in particular, in Africa as the primary driver for economic growth and poverty reduction in these countries. But, the Bank has also been heavily criticized for failing to achieve these goals as the revenues from resource development do not reach the majority of the society. With the Chad-Cameroon pipeline and oil development in Chad, the Bank and the companies are following a novel partnership and revenue management approach. How is the project financing different? How will this new approach work? Will Chad and Cameroon benefit from this approach? Background1 Upon getting its independence from France in 1960, Chad has been involved in 30 years of civil war. The peace was finally restored in 1990, and the country drifted towards multiparty democracy, until rebellion broke out again in the north of the country. In January 2002 peace treaty was signed confirming de jure reign of northern ethnicity. Chad is one of the least developed nations on earth with GNI per capita of around $200. Republic of Chad is ranked 165th of 175 countries in UN’s Survival Ranking. The agricultural sector accounts for 36% of Chad’s GDP. Cotton exports account for 50% of foreign currency earnings. Chad’s government is concerned about this dependence on cotton and wants to diversify its economy in order to mitigate vulnerability associated with volatility of the international price of cotton. Chad’s only significant natural resources are oil deposits. Being independent since 1960, Cameroon has developed a rather stable political system, based on ethnic oligopoly. Despite of vast natural resource base (including oil, natural gas and aluminum) the country is one of the poorest in the world, with GNI per capita of roughly $600 in 2002. According to World Bank classification Cameroon is an HIPC (heavily indebted poor country) with total debt of $4. 9 billion and outstanding short-term debt over $950 million. Cameroon is in Top-15 countries with highest HIV rate (around 12%) and in Top-30 infant mortality rate. Economic and social development information on this section comes from the World Bank web site, CIA Fact Book, and U. N. Human Development Report. Â © Center for Energy Economics. No reproduction, distribution or attribution without permission. Chad-Cameroon Pipeline 1 1 Case Study From Since 1990, being faced with a fall in GDP due to unfavorable prices on major exported goods; Cameroon has been engaged in several World Bank and IMF programs, aimed at poverty reduction and acceleration of economic growth. As a result annual GDP growth averaged 2. 1% through 1990-2001, compared to 3. 4% in 1980s. Oil Development Conoco became the first foreign oil company to undertake significant oil exploration in Chad with acquisition of the Chad Permit H concession in 1969. Between 1973 and 1975, oil was discovered in varying amounts in the Doba, Doseo, and Lake Chad basins, that led to the creation of a multinational consortium comprising Conoco (12. 5% and operator), Royal Dutch/Shell (37. 5%), Exxon (25%), and Chevron (25%). In 1981 all the exploration projects were stopped due to escalating civil war. In 1988 a convention was signed between the government of Chad and the consortium, granting exploration permit with term of validity until early 2004. Conoco withdrew from the project, and Exxon took over operations, discovering the Bolobo field in 1989 with estimated 135 million barrels of reserves. 3 Chevron, in its turn, sold its share (20% interest in the Block H hydrocarbon license containing the three fields) to Elf Aquitaine, in 1993.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Durkheims Study Of Suicide

Durkheims Study Of Suicide Durkheim was a sociologist of French origin born in year 1958 and died on the November of 1917. He instituted various academic disciplines and is considered as the current social science principal architect. He actually maintained dominancy in the field of social sciences until the time of his death. Durkheim also presented several sociological knowledge papers alongside religion. His studies such as the suicide study have actually picked a popular discourse. Most of Durkheims work involved social facts study, term which he developed so as to depict phenomena that is self-existent and which cannot be affected by individuals actions (Lukes, 1985). Durkheim considered social facts to possess sui generis, which is a self-sufficient existence which is greater as well as more objective when compared to the individuals actions which make up the society (Martin Lee, 1994). Contrary to the facts covered under natural sciences, social facts thereby refer to particular phenomena category and they as well exist independently, free from individual manifestations (Durkheim, 1951). Social facts of this kind are actually endowed with coercion power due to their capability to take control of personal behaviors (Martin Lee, 1994). In accordance to Durkheim, these types of phenomena should neither be condensed to psychological nor biological grounds (Martin Lee, 1994). Therefore, the phenomena which is considered as most individualistic, for instance suicide, would end up been classified as a fact which is socially objective. Durkheim further argued that the persons who compose the society do not cause suicide directly (Ritzer, 1992). He ba sed his argument on the fact that suicide being a social fact, its presence in the society is independent in spite of the prevailing desires of the individuals forming the society (Ritzer, 1992). Consequently, the departure of any individual from the society will have no effect on the suicide fact as the society which the individual leaves behind still contains suicide. Sociological tasks entail the discovery of various social facts characteristics which can only be revealed by the means of either experimental or quantitative approach (Hassard, 1995). For the case of the suicide study conducted by Durkheim, he particularly depended on statistics (Bellah, 1973). Durkheim is considered to be amongst the initial structural functionalism founders. In general, Durkheim discarded reductionist arguments (Durkheim, 1951). Instead, he focused on the cultural values and norms, social structures alongside social facts; which he considered as being external to every human being. Durkheims study classified suicide into four categories and provided evidence to one of his theories which states that suicide rate differences are as a resultant of changes in the immaterial social facts (Thompson, 2002). Durkheim is famous due to his social reality macro-level views and its relationship at individual level. Actually, Durkheim managed to make major contribution on the structural functionalism development alongside sociology in general (Durkheim, 1951). Basically, Durkheim explored the various suicide rates amongst different religious groups and specifically between the Catholics alongside the Protestants. He discovered that the suicide rates were lower amongst the Catholics when compared to the Protestants (Stark William, 1996). Durkheim believed that the low rates of suicide among the Catholic were a result of the religions vibrant social control mechanisms (Stark William, 1996). Consequently, he attributed the escalated suicide frequencies among the Protestants to the regions big freedom space. In Durkheims perspective, the catholic society integration level was normal but the Protestants integration levels were low (Stark William, 1996). However, this interpretation was faced by two major problems. First, Durkheim had relied on earlier researchers data, specifically Wagner, A. and Morselli, H (Stark William, 1996) who had basically generalized their individual data. Secondly, succeeding researchers discovered that the suicide r ates differences amongst the Protestants and Catholics tended to be prominent in the German-Speaking European part and thereby may only have been other factors spurious reflection (Pope Danigelis, 1981). In spite of its limitations, Durkheims suicide study has really influenced the control theory proponents (Pope Danigelis, 1981). Durkheim came up with four categories of suicide which included Egoist suicide, Fatalistic suicides, Altruist suicide alongside Anomic suicide (Thompson, 2002). Durkheim considered Egoistic suicides as those that result from the weakening of individual bonds that naturally integrate collectivity (Thompson, 2002). In different words, Egoistic suicides are caused by the social integration breakdown or even decrease. Durkheim associated this suicide type to excessive individuation implying that most victims initially become more detached from the other community members (Thompson, 2002). Generally, the individuals who are insufficiently committed to specific social groups: end up with minimal social support and hence the likelihood of them committing suicide is high (Thompson, 2002). For instance, Durkheim revealed that the unmarried people, specifically males, committed suicide more often than their married counterparts due to their less bondage with the established social norms goals . Apparently, similar problems affected the widows. Among 1Million widows aged 65 years, 628 of them committed suicide while amongst I million men aged 65 years, only 461 did commit suicide (Lukes, 1985). The sample composition was appropriate as the age bracket comprised of married men to the large extend (Almost 90%) (Lukes, 1985). Durkheims analysis however indicated that despite the fact that the widows had a higher likelihood of committing suicide than married persons, their suicide rate was lower when compared to that of single individuals (Ritzer, 1992). Durkheim linked the figures to the family factor as he was of the view that a simpler conclusion would turn out as problematic (Ritzer, 1992). It would be problematic due to the changes in the marriages numbers that occurred during this period as the suicide rates tripled. Significantly, Durkheim was quick to note that the factor was not simply marriage but a marriage that had children (Ritzer, 1992). This is because marriage s with children had lower suicide rates when compared to infertile families (Thompson, 2002). Thus, the main factor was considering family like a basic social unit but not marriage. Additionally, Durkheim further studied the wars and crises roles on suicide rates. He discovered during the course of social crises (for instance, revolutions) alongside wars; the suicide rates dropped remarkably (Bellah, 1973). In overall, he found out a more religious society had lower suicide rates and also the strength of family relationships determined the magnitude of suicide rate (Thompson, 2002). Moreover, the society integration greatly affected the suicide rate. On the other hand, Durkheim classified Altruistic suicides as those which occur in highly integrated societies in which the whole societys needs are more prioritized than individual needs (Thompson, 2002). Altruistic suicides therefore come about on a integration scale which is contrary to that of egoistic suicide (Thompson, 2002). Durkheim stated that the suicide rate in altruistic societies was generally low as personal interests were not viewed as important (Thompson, 2002). Durkheim viewed the armed forces with this perspective and was really surprising to find out that suicide rates occurred at a high rate within the military service (Thompson, 2002). It was startling due to the fact that the military, just like religions as well as cohesive societies should exhibit strong solidarity and moreover the people in the military are usually the most physically fit in the society (Durkheim, 1951).Besides, it was not right to attribute the suicide causes to either the military service h atred or even the failure to get used to military service routines (Durkheim, 1951).This was because it was evident that suicide rates were directly proportional to the military service length (Durkheim, 1951). Additionally, senior officers committed suicide at a higher rate than their juniors (Bellah, 1973). Moreover, the elite units were affected by higher suicide rates than the normal units (Bellah, 1973). Finally, the suicide rate was low in the units which demonstrated weaker military spirit (Bellah, 1973). Therefore, Durkheim stated that the senior military officers had to abandon the personal individuality to cope with the service requirements as it increased their risk of committing suicide (Lukes, 1985). Durkheim classified Anomic suicides as those which arise due to moral deregulation alongside the absence of legitimate aspirations definition through restrictive social ethic, which has the potential of imposing a different individual conscience meaning as well as order (Ritzer, 1992). This is indicative of economic development failure as well as the labor division to result to the organic solidarity of Durkheim (Ritzer, 1992). In this situation, people fail to recognize their appropriate positions in the society. Durkheim explained this moral disorder state as that which the desires of the individuals are limitless, thereby resulting to personal infinite disappointments (Ritzer, 1992). Lastly, Durkheim suggested that Fatalistic suicides mainly occur in the exceedingly oppressive societies which make people to opt for death other than continue living in such societies (Durkheim, 1951). Generally, this is one of the rarest reasons which can push an individual to committing suicide (Durkheim, 1951). However, fatalistic suicides are common features in prisons as individuals choose to die other than going on with the abusive, excessively regulated prison life which denies them the opportunity to fulfill their desires (Durkheim, 1951). The Durkheims suicide types had their basis on the twin social forces imbalance degrees which are the moral regulation alongside the social integration. Durkheim revealed how impacts on the social aggregate aspects such as; war can lead to increased altruism, booms in economy or catastrophe contribute to anomie. Durkheims suicide analysis indicates the way in which social facts on the contrary to biological as well as psychological facts can be stressed upon, and bring about constructive methods of examining individuals actions. Besides, suicide rates are considered as social facts as they express social currents that affect people and the society as whole. Despite the fact that psychology study is also essential in resolving individual motives and the process through which certain circumstances push people to committing suicide; it is equally important to undertake circumstances analysis within the prevailing individuals social currents (Durkheim, 1951). Durkheim as a matter of fact established that the suicide rates in males were higher than in females; the singles had a higher rate of committing suicide than the married; suicide rates were also higher in the infertile couples than the fertile ones; protestants committed more suicide incidences as compared to the Catholics alongside Jews; Soldiers were more vulnerable to suicide than Civilians; there were more suicide incidences in the peaceful times than in war periods; Scandinavian countries exhibited higher suicide rates and lastly the people who had accomplished higher education level were at a higher risk of committing suicide. However, the Durkheim suicide study has received a wide range of criticism from various sources. It has actually been criticized as the perfect example of logical error which is commonly termed as ecological fallacy (Freedman, 2002). Durkheims conclusions on personal behavior on the basis of aggregate statistics have been termed as misleading (Freedman, 2002). This is because the Simpsons (1987) paradox has revealed how erroneous it is to analyze micro events in macro properties terms. Nevertheless, diverging views have arisen on whether Durkheims work should actually be classified as ecological fallacy. Researchers such as Van Poppel (1996) alongside Day (1996) have proposed that suicide rates differences between different religious groups (such as the Catholics alongside the Protestants) could be entirely explained in terms of how the social groups categorized deaths. For example, while the protestants recorded sudden deaths alongside deaths resulting from unspecified causes as sui cides, this was not the case on the Catholics side (Thompson, 2002). Thereby, Durkheim error would be considered as empirical other than logical. Other researchers such as Gibbs, Inkeles, alongside Johnson have alleged that the main intention of Durkheim was to socially analyze suicide on the holistic perspective with the intention of expounding social environments variation within suicide incidences but not specific individuals suicides. In addition, researchers of the recent times like Berk (2006) have also queried the Durkheims work micro-macro linkages. Berk (2006) particularly noted that Durkheim spoke of collective current reflecting the joint inclination going down the social organization channels (Freedman, 2002). However, the current intensity is the determinant factor of the suicides volume thereby bringing about psychological variables like depression which could be viewed as independent or non-social suicide cause (Freedman, 2002). This thereby, ignores Durkheims concept ion of considering these variables as the mostly influenced by the wider social forces and the notion that suicide can not affect such individuals in the absence of these forces (Martin Lee, 1994). Apparently, Durkheim brings out issues that affect people directly. In addition, he tends to possess vibrant structural society view, as well as the mode in which everyone within the society is affected by various social facts and how it is a must for each to comply with them. Durkheim indeed tried to have the situation where the social roles are distinguished from psychological, economical alongside biological roles. This is actually be observed within his social influences view on the rate of suicides, in which he studies several factors and determines their effect on the propensity to commit suicide (Ritzer, 1992).

strategic analysis of mcdonalds in india

strategic analysis of mcdonalds in india McDonalds vision is to be the worlds best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile. Values. Our values summarized in Q.S.C V. Provide good quality, services to customer. Have cleanliness environment when customer enjoys their meal .The value of food product makes every customer is smiling. Executive Summary. This documentation is mainly about the business strategies of McDonalds in India how it applies their strategies to interact with external environment. This discussed the following Porters models to imply the companys strategies in detail; Porters Generic Strategy analysis.(Use to identify the strategies to select) Porters Value Chain analysis. (Use to identify the value chain activities to support the strategy.) As a fast food company, the rivals that it has faced in the Indian economy during the implementation the strategies they applied, and the strategy changes according to different situations reports from this document. Porters generic strategy analysis of McDonalds is mainly on its unique characteristic applied in India, companys commitment dedication driven to reach the success in the Indian market. It shows McDonalds Business strategies that took place during the banking crisis which lead to global economy recession how it affected the Indian economy. Through Porters Value Chain Analysis this document tries to highlight McDonalds primary activities support activities of their production process, applied in India. Through this analysis, it shows the factors influencing the company performance, coordination between firms in the industry their quality support services as well. Also, report tends to discuss the situation of other competitors in the industry, their performance and position in the Indian market. Finally, this report implies that low cost focus strategy can keep a company to survive in the recession. Also, it can achieve low cost focus strategy through their logistic systems, reducing food wastes and increasing effectiveness of employees. Introduction. Mc Donalds, was originated in USA (California) in 1954, and has become one of the successful fast food chains in the world. Also one of the most recognized and established brands in the world. To such a development it helps some successful business strategies which lined to its external environment (Macro environment) and the industry environment (Micro environment). This document discussed the success of McDonalds especially in India and the strategies that they followed to reach the current position. Also, this provides a discussion of an analysis of why the company selects those strategies in response to the changing external environment to reach the goals. The company was able to establish around 30,000 franchising stores in 119 countries, targeting around 47 million people each day and it generates about $ 15 billion revenues annually. In India, McDonalds is a 50-50 joint partnership business between McDonalds corporations [USA] and two Indian businessmen. It took them six years with an investment of 4 billion to build up their supply chain properly in the Indian market. Their first restaurant in India was opened in 1996 at New Delhi. By introducing differentiated menu products according to the Indian taste, improving logistics systems with better supplier relationships it began to spread all over the country rapidly. Now the company expanded in 34 cities in India by covering 132 outlets. N. Jadhav A.Shaikh 2010, Supply chain management, Perishable products (Restaurant chain)[Presentations], viewed [ 19/12/2010], (Diagram 1) Porters Generic Strategy Analysis: Porters generic strategies framework provides a major contribution to the development of the strategic management the company can achieve to their competitive advantages by differentiating their products and services from its competitors through low costs. Mc Donalds targeted their products and services by a broad target through covering most of the market places. Also, it attains competitive advantage through market segmentation using Porters differentiation focus strategy. 8.1 Differentiation strategy of McDonalds: In differentiation strategy, fast food chains need to be more selective in which products to offer more creative in their promotion strategy. McDonalds offers specialized (Regionalized) version of its menu. This leads to differentiate the products from other competitor products as well. Mc Grilled sandwiches in US Canada. Mc Chicken Premiere Zesty chicken in UK, France, Italy Belgium. To overcome their healthy issues Mc Donalds added salads other lighter options to its menu encourage people to visit more often. Product adaptation in India- Vegetarian selections, No beef or pork items, McMasala Wide variety of menu items according to the Indian menu items; Vegetable non vegetable products. Health conscious items. Local flavors. Food preferences India B. Craig K. R. Dickson, 11th December 2007, Supply chain management, Mc India ppt[Presentations], viewed [ 19/12/2010], (Diagram 2) Mc Donalds premium line: They have introduced a group of products in early 2000s. It includes McDonalds larger chicken sandwich, salad line coffee products. Grilled chicken sandwiches are targeted different demographic markets. Mc Cafes located in Australia within the McDonalds restaurant. Types of restaurants: Counter service drive through (With indoor outdoor seating in Delhi.) McDrive locations near highways offer no counter services or seating. McCafà © restaurants within the same McDonalds restaurants. (They increased sales by 60% from this strategy.) Expansion for the following locations as well; More distribution centers within 500 km radius. Satellite cities near Mumbai Delhi. Cities with tourist appeal and eating out culture. Petrol stations, railway bus stations in around Delhi. Shopping malls and movie complexes (Delhi Mumbai) Differentiating promotion programs: McDonalds focused on superior price performance during the time of economic crisis. Point of sales (POS) promotion programs. Combo meals. (Customers get more discounts through this.) Lottery for winning its products. Sampling activities to taste their products to a discount price. Internet promotions. TV and other media promotions. To differentiate with their competitors McDonalds tried to focus on its unique campaign. Im lovin it campaign to attract family. Feature artists to attract teenagers. Introduces wireless technology platform, by allowing their customers to access internet by creating an innovative environment. 8.2 Cost leadership strategy: Under Porters competitive strategies, McDonalds uses an overall low-cost leadership strategy to reduce cost increase sales. Higher profits resulting from sales through lower prices than competitors as the unit cost is lower. Mc Donalds is having a biggest market share out of completive fast food restaurants. Therefore, they increase sales by reducing price than competitors. Food Items McDonalds Subway KFC Pizza Hut Dominos Burgers Pizzas Rs 20- Rs 70 Rs 65- Rs 135 Rs 25- Rs 175 Rs 55- Rs 175 (Regular) Rs 35-Rs 140 (Regular) Combo Meals Rs 49- Rs 119 Rs 45- Rs 175 Rs 55- Rs 150 Rs 120- Rs 250 Rs 120- Rs 230 Beverages Rs 25- Rs 50 Small- 300ml Rs 35- Rs 45 Small 300ml Rs 30- Rs 55 Small 300ml Pet beverage MRP 600ml Rs 30 600 ml Deserts Rs 12-Rs 25 Rs 20- Rs50 Rs 15- Rs 65 Rs 40- Rs 60 Rs 25 100 ml Cup of Baskin Robbins (Diagram 3) Market share (worldwide): Company Stores Countries Market share McDonalds 31108 120 33.06% Burger King 11455 58 13.68% Wendys 8811 22 11.69% Hardeess 3295 15 2.78% Jack in the Box 2000 1 3.67% (Diagram 4) McDonalds India: Network competitors Company Outlets (No.) Cities Covered McDonalds 132 34 Pizza Hut 137 34 Dominos 220 42 Subway 131 32 KFC 34 09 (Diagram 5) Bruce Craig, Keith R. Dickson, International Business Management, Network competitors [Online], available at: [20/12/2010] Through adding 700-900 restaurants annually, McDonalds enter new markets through lower prices. It shows a great barrier to entry for competitors to enter the industry. Through its strong centralized authority tight control, standardized procedures McDonalds takes most an efficiency approach. Key elements of McDonalds business strategy; Adding 700-900 restaurants annually. Giving low price products, Extra offers through new menu items. Highly selective in granting franchises. Selects most convenient places to customers. Focused on limited product lines through maintaining the quality. Extensive advertising. Proper HR management through equitable wage good training. McDonalds cost leadership strategy growth strategy is based on; Adding new restaurants. Maximizing sales sales in existing restaurants. Improving profitability (globally) Success behind their business lies in the maximum of Think global, act local. They ensure that their structure fits with the international environment, but also have internal flexibility geographically. McDonalds has twice the market share of its closest competitor, Burger King. :

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Problem of Heartburn for Americans :: essays research papers

Heartburn is a common condition for millions of Americans, which, contrary to popular belief, has absolutely nothing to do with the heart. (Peikin, 2004) For some, it is a pain in the chest that occurs possibly once or twice a month. For others, it could cause them pain weekly or even daily. Heartburn that does not occur very often is referred to as episodic heartburn. (NHBA, 2005) Frequent heartburn, for obvious reasons, describes heartburn occurring daily or weekly to more than fifty million Americans. (NHBA, 2005) Heartburn, as defined in the Webster’s New Encyclopedic Dictionary, is â€Å"a burning discomfort behind the lower end of the esophagus or of the upper part of the stomach.† (Merriam-Webster, 2002) It occurs just behind the chest bone, when digestive juices come up from the stomach and into the esophagus, irritating its lining. (NHBA, 2005) This happens if the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, is weakened or relaxed by certain foods, or medicines such as heart medications, or those for the treatment of asthma. (Encarta, 2003) Heartburn can occur as a burning pain in the chest that can move up, all the way to the throat. (King, 2004) There are many causes leading to heartburn, many of which are what or how a person eats. Citrus fruits or juices, spicy foods, carbonated beverages, and alcoholic drinks are just some of the food-related causes of heartburn. (Peikin, 2004) When a person lies down or bends over, heartburn could possibly result. (King, 2004) Having a busy lifestyle or even wearing clothes that are too tight can also trigger heartburn. (NHBA) Even though there are many causes for heartburn, there are almost as many treatments for it. Avoiding the foods and drinks which trigger heartburn helps in Heartburn 3 eliminating it. (Encarta, 2003) It also helps to stay away from midnight snacks (Peikin, 2004) and to keep the head of your bed elevated six inches at night. (Encarta, 2003) If the person is overweight, it may help to drop the excess pounds. (Peikin, 2004) A person who smokes should quit in order to help prevent heartburn. (King, 2004) Over-the-counter antacids such as Alka-Seltzer, Pepto-Bismol, and Maalox are also recommended to treat heartburn. (NIH, 2003) Sometimes it just isn’t enough to make dietary and lifestyle changes, or even take over-the-counter medications. Prescription drugs such as Pepcid are useful in treatment. (Peikin, 2004) Home remedies such as baking soda mixed in water, aloe vera juice, and ginger ale have been used by families for decades for the treatment of heartburn.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hidden Class Struggle in John Updikes A&P :: A&P Essays

The Hidden Class Struggle in Updike’s A & P Two Works Cited In John Updike’s "A & P," Sammy is accused of quitting his job for childlike, immature reasons. Nathan Hatcher states, "In reality, Sammy quit his job not on a matter of ideals, but rather as a means of showing off and trying to impress the girls, specially Queenie" (37), but Sammy’s motive runs much deeper than that. He was searching for a sense of personal gain and satisfaction. By taking sides with the girls, he momentarily rises in class to meet their standards and the standards of the upper-class. Sammy was obviously near the bottom of the class ladder, a place where he was extremely unhappy. His dead-end job at the grocery store, where lower class citizens are the prime patrons, was not a place he felt he belonged. He wanted to be a member of the family where the "father and the other men were standing around in ice-cream coats and bow ties and the women were in sandals picking up herring snacks on toothpicks off a big glass plate and they were all holding drinks the color of water with olives and sprigs of mint in them" (Updike 1028). Sammy realizes that Queenie comes from this sort of background, a very different one from his. When Queenie is being harassed by Lengel, Sammy sees that "she remembers her place, a place from which the crowd that runs the A & P must look pretty crummy" (Updike 1028). Queenie’s family was in the class that he envied, that he admired, that he wanted to become a part of. So Sammy quits his job to prove to himself, maybe to others, that he belongs in this "place." Quitting his job is his first step in achieving this goal. Sammy was obviously enthralled by the girls from the moment they walked in the A & P. He was not keen on the other two girls, but Queenie overwhelmed him. He may have even taken a liking to Queenie, but any average, nineteen-year old male would do the same after witnessing such striking beauty as is described. On the other hand, the average male would not quit a job and create such turmoil if first impression was the only cause. How interested could he actually be? In trying to figure out Queenie’s persona, he asks, "do you really think it’s a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Parental Blindness / Filial Ingratitude / Madness :: essays research papers

As Shakespeare presents to us a tragic pattern of parental and filial love, in which a prosperous man is devested of power and finally recognises his "folly", empathy is induced in the audience. In "King Lear", it is noted from the beginning of the play that both Lear and Gloucester suffer from self-approbation and will consequently find revelation by enduring "the rack of this tough world". While Lear mistakenly entrusts the shallow professions of love from his "thankless" daughters - Goneril and Regan - instead of the selfless words of Cordelia, Gloucester shadows a similar ignorance by initially entrusting love in the evil Edmund, rather than Edgar, whom we consider to be a "truly" loyal "noble gentlemen". Undeniably, both parents misjudge appearance for reality, as it is only in this way that they can "let the great gods that keep this dreadful pudder O'er [their] heads / Find out their enemies" where "all vengeance comes too short". When Lear is rejected by Goneril and Regan and stripped of his "hundred Knights and squires", he is left with "nothing" in the wilderness, besides the loyal company of Kent and the Fool, and later on, Edgar and Gloucester. It appears that at this stage he senses his "folly", that he "did [Cordelia] wrong". But Lear has yet to gain full insight. Although, before entering the hovel, he realises that he has been a "man more sinned against sinning", the process of self-discovery is not complete until all truth is unveiled. As Lear realises his foolishness in bannishing Cordelia - his "joy" and the only daughter who truly loves him - we sense Lear's increasing sorrow and despair. B y revealling his "sin", he is subjecting himself to punishment. Perhaps it is a deserving motion, since he had passed judgement and punished Kent and Cordelia for coming between "the dragon and his wrath", that is, him and his power. Now the gods above rightfully control Lear's destiny, abiding by the process that man has to suffer to gain peace. At this particular moment, Lear is still unaware of Kent's identity, disguised as Caius, ever since he bannished Kent for defending Cordeila's thoughtful choice to "love and be silent". We understand that the disguise is a way in which Kent can protect and continually serve the "poor, weak and infirm" Lear. Lear begins to accomplish understanding through the change in his contemptuous behaviour to a sympathetic learning man.

Chinese Philosophy and Poetry Essay

One of the nearly prevalent beliefs of the Chinese philosophies is that men ar born honorable. People are by nature near unless they fail to develop their feelings and senses. Confucianism teaches that a lack of knowledge can be the cause to aversion. In Poem 238, a wo piece named Chiang Yuan gave birth to the military serviceman race by sacrificing and praying to God. She bore her electric razor easily because she sought after blessings from God. Confucianism teaches that good things will come to those who are good and do good. A. N.Whiteheads citation of a Cambridge vicar says, For well-conducted people, life presents no problems. The baffle in the numbers seemed to be well-conducted and therefore she was goddamn with a painless, easy pip-squeakbirth. It says that God gave her ease and blessed her because he was pleased with the sacrifice and solicitation. The poem paints a picture of how even the animals protect the baby. This might be because of their view of bei ngness born flawless and without evil.This baby was protect by the animals because there was no evil in him. Hou Chi, the baby boy, grew up to be a wise man and go on to be blessed and prospered through his crops and farming. He would be considered to be the superior man because of his moral wisdom and his ability to prescribe right from wrong. Because he lived by his bring forths example and gave sacrifices to God, good things came to him. The world power of moral example is strongly shown here. His mother first taught him the importance of sacrifice and prayer and through that, he learned to do the same and show respect and terror God.Another philosophy is the importance of filial piety and reverence. Parents are revered because they sustain life to their children and sacrifice much for them. The child brought honor to his mother by holding her religious traditions. God was pleased by his actions and blessed him his entire life. This is a in truth ideal form of what a man c an be like, but it is very(prenominal) unrealistic. If man were actually born good, because evil would not have such a major influence and ask everyday lives.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Dysfunctional Family Essay

In a family with maven rebellious nipper, the other baberen leave to walk on egg shells to void the wrath of their p atomic number 18nts. Going beyond mere(prenominal) disagreement, an intense schism between family members regarding pietism or ideology Lack of empathy, understanding, and predisposition towards certain family members, while expressing extreme empathy towards unrivaled or more than members (or nonetheless pets) who devote real or perceived superfluous of necessity. In other words, one family member continuously receives distant more than he or she deserves, while other is marginalized Extremes in conflict (either in like manner more than fighting or insufficient sedate arguing between family members Unequal or unfair treatment of one or more family members due to their birth order, gender, age, family affectionate function (mother, etc.), abilities, race, caste, etc. (may include frequent calming of one member at the write down of others, or an u neven enforcement of rules Denial (refusal to get it on abusive behavior, possibly believing that the smear is normal or even undecomposed too know as the elephant in the room.)Un healthy p arnting signsGiving immix messages by having a dual system of set (i.e. one set for the outside world, other when in private, or teaching polar comforts to each youngster) Stifled lecturing (children not allowed to dissent or movement authority) Denial of an inner life (children are not allowed to develop their own encourage systems) Being under- or over-protectiveApathy I dont care deprecation You cant do anything salutaryUnrealistic expectationsRidiculeBitterness (regardless of what is said, exploitation a bitter tone of voice) The know-it-all (has no need to obtain childs side of the story when accusing, or listen to childs opinions on matters which greatly impact them) Either macrocosm a miser (scrooge) in marrow or selectively allowing childrens ask to go unmet (e.g. fat her will not buy a bicycle for his son because he wants to save money for retirement or something important)Dysfunctional parenting stylesPerfectionist (fixating on order, prestige, power, and/or perfect appearances, while preventing their child from failing at anything) Dogmatic or cult-like (harsh and inflexible discipline, with children not allowed, within reason, to dissent, straits authority, or develop their own value system) The politician (a parent who repeatedly makes or agrees to childrens promises while having little to no intention of keeping them)DynamicsParents vs. kids (generation gaolbreak or culture shock dysfunction) The balkanized family (named subsequently the three-way war in the Balkans where alliances vary back and forth) pip-squeakren prepareing up in a impaired family have got been known to adopt one or more of these six basic roles The Good Child (also known as the Hero) a child who assumes the parental role. The Problem Child or Rebel (also known a s the Scapegoat) the child who is blamed for most problems related to the familys dysfunction, despite often being the lone(prenominal) emotionally stable one in the family. The Caretaker the one who takes responsibility for the emotional tumefy-being of the family. The Lost Child the inconspicuous, quiet one, whose needs are usually ignored or hidden. The Mascot uses comedy to divert attention out-of-door from the increasingly dysfunctional family system. The Mastermind the self-seeker who capitalizes on the other family members faults to get whatever he or she wants. Often the aim of appeasement by grown-ups.Effects on childrenChildren of dysfunctional families, either at the time, or as they grow older, may also Lack the ability to be playful, or childlike, and may grow up too fast conversely they may grow up too slowly, or be in a mixed means (e.g. well-behaved, but unable to care for themselves) suck up moderate to severe mental health issues, including possible depres sion, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts suffer accustomed to smoking, alcohol, and/or drugs, especially if parents or friends have done the same Bully or harass others, or be an blue victim thereof (possibly taking a dual role in differentsettings) Be in denial regarding the scratchiness of the familys situation hasten mixed feelings of lovehate towards certain family members Become a sex offender, possibly including pedophilia. get hold of difficulty forming healthy relationships within their compeer group (usually due to shyness or a personality disorder) Spend an undue amount of time alone reflexion television, playing video games, surfing the Internet, listening to music, and other activities which lack in-person social interaction Feel angry, anxious, depressed, isolated from others, or unlovable Have a speech communication disorder (related to emotional abuse)Distrust others or even have paranoiaBecome a juvenile delinquent and turn to a life of crime (with or without move out of give instruction), and possibly become a gang member as well Struggle academically at school or academic performance declines minutely Have low self-esteem or a poor self material body with difficulty expressing emotions Rebel against parental authority, or conversely, uphold their familys values in the face of peer pressure, or even try to take an impossible core ground that pleases no one find only of themselves to make up the dispute of their childhoods (as they are still learning the rest period of self-love) Have little self-discipline when parents are not around, such as determined spending, procrastinating too close to deadlines, etc. (unfamiliar and obviously lax real-world consequences vs. familiar parental consequences) flummox an (often abusive) spouse or partner at a young age, and/or lam away from homeBecome significant and/or a parent of illegitimate child childrenBe at risk of meet poor or homeless, even if the family is already wealthy or mid dle-class Have auto-destructive or potentially self-damaging behaviors Join a cult to find the acceptance they neer had at home, or at a minimum, have differing philosophical/religious beliefs from what they were previously taught Strive (as young adults) to live far away from particular family members or the family as a whole Perpetuate dysfunctional behaviors in other relationships (especially their own children)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or once you have finished to reflect the stream of your arguments, you might want to rewrite it.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation good introductions that are lengthier than they are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder good for a reader to grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A brief introduction will locate off the essay and wont create a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately big draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Keeping the debut can enable you to make sure check your research remains on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective and the problem clear statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to study this more particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve with this further research study as well as what outcome you expect.Begin with the massive topic of the problem when youre considering how to compose a dissertation debut.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The last part of your brief introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your unpublished dissertation is constructed.

It has to be intriguing so as to arouse interest, and stick out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the length of the dissertation introduction, how there are no specific requirements. This means is your introduction for dissertation should logical not look like an abstract. However, it does not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.Studies dont have hypotheses.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation introduction on your part first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress worn out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get down to the easy task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you are finished with unpublished dissertation writing.

In an abstract you must outline what your study is about in character.Make sure the interested reader understands the aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the angeles long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it good will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be more able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as full well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in your research.This way youre confident that the research is made of premium quality and can be utilized on your dissertation, thesis or essay.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and special mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

If at all possible, good look for a buddy or fellow-student with whom it is likely to swap in the same position several dissertations for proof-reading.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate how them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have well chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in own mind that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure deeds that the finished version remains coherent.The simplest way to construct a dissertation is inside-out.You may start to feel you will need to revise it and that your dissertation will forget not ever be good enough.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Internet Gambling Essay

This enumeration exit asseverate you round the saucys report of net looseness, the living cut backs, and a scoop up of vexs gnarled with online manoeuvre. preceding to the intromission of the demesne liberal meshwork in 1993 which transformd the climb of romp, volume had to move around spacious distances to stake. The universe of dis figures graduation pr secondical(prenominal) online maneuver casino, meshwork Casinos, Inc. (ICI) commenced process on awful 18, 1995 with 18 different casino games. near of these online drama companies be l guardianship right(prenominal) of the U. evacuate presidency prosecution. ICI operates a appearance of the Turks and Caicos Islands (Kish, 1999). ace of the main reasons net receipts gambol simoleonsed was be start out of bring on up. The nurture to start up an earnings sport range is around 1. 5 trillion dollar marks, which is half of what it costs to playu comp allowelyy conception a c asino. ICI estimates that the high society averages roughly a xx quadrup permit part proceeds margin, versus the representative unite States casino, which ranges from eight rough part to 16 portion of various(prenominal)ly dollar posted (Kish, 1999).An estimated xx trillion plenty argon currently online with a communicate clx one one one thousand thousand one thousand zillion million million online by the stratum 2020. The all oerall mart for online frolic is estimated to be somewhat $49 meg planetary (Kish, 1999). The taradiddle of meshwork gaming is more everyplace a ten dollar vizor vener fitting, besides, its narrative channel out live on for some(prenominal)(prenominal) to a great extent. in that respect ar several issueual spots approach cyberspace shimmer. The finish upset issues we go forth cope ar how to spoil nedeucerk childs p de rigorous.The appargonnt movement affix by the topic of lucre bid is whet her old laws base primarily on a population of atoms ar placid viable, and if non, in which course the cyberspace should be correct (Walther, 2000). whatever scholars call off up that net play of necessity to be bewilderd, and of course thither be those that give voice allow the owners of the localizes regulate themselves. regulatory procedures raise be targeted at each or two(prenominal) of the set uprs and the consumers of maneuver services.In the shell of consumers, formula is usually apply by age, through with(predicate) proscription of the affaire of minors. Procedures faculty all all overly be design to abolish job risk takers or undischarged bankrupts from salty in gaming (Clarke, 2000). some other existent caper with network looseness is The conducting equip bout which was int mop up to attend the states, territories and possessions of the unite States, as puff up as the soil of Columbia, in enforcing their single laws on shimmer and bookmaking and to reverse organised dramatic play activities. arm (a) of the outfit bit, a savage provision, provides Whoever cosmos sedulous in the caper of card-playing or wagering kno developgly uses a electrify converse installing for the transmittance in interstate highway or contrary transaction of looks or wagers or tuition assisting in the placing of bets or wagers on any light egress or contest, or for the transmittance of a cable talk which en glosss the liquidator to ar sopor superlatives or belief as a exit of bets or wagers, or for nurture assisting in the placing of bets or wagers, shall be fined below this title or jailed non much(prenominal) than two years, or both (Rodefer, 2003).During the field of Representatives debate on the bill, spokes soul Emanuel Celler, president of the phra filter out judiciary delegacy state this bill hardly gets subsequentlyward the book pipr, the risk taker who shake offs it his credit line to take bets or to lay off bets. . . It does non go after the causal risk taker who bets $2 on a hurry (Rodefer, 2003). What the giving medication is having a problem with is that practical(prenominal)ly earnings playing period targets atomic number 18 point ran in international countries, and they provide non do this act a draw inst them. What they be stressful to do is change the act to hold these threesome parties.An typesetters case of this is the institution of the mesh childs play banishment represent of 1997 (Walther, 2000). The bill would fork out tabu mesh drama by extending the outfit symbolizes prohibitions on tralatitious forms of dramatic play by visit or conducting wire to the mesh (Walther, 2000). This revivement would provide penalties for online bets and wagers. This so out-of-the-way(prenominal) chafferms to be the lift out solution, however honest and object lesson predicaments life- baneening-tempered r est in the hold of our lawmakers today. The following(a) issue cladding net income fun is tax incomees. This chafferms to be the establishments biggest issue.This is because of the trillions of dollars we mentioned for turn a profit by these online identifys, political semblance mickle gain epoch-making tally of capital from it. The legalisation of meshwork frolic may cause states to set down some gross generated from legalized sport trading operations because some risk takers would give their gold online (Lassani, 1998). Moreover, states pull back tax income by non existence able to tax gamblers who get along over the network. Gamblers who win over the profit hurt an motivator not to fee taxes on their net income because the interior(a) receipts religious service (IRS) lacks the resources to continue online gamblers (Lassani, 1998).The likelihood of colony to cyberspace bid among both children and adults is an passing key concern. In re lation to addiction, children are more than presumable to fit inclined to some function crude than adults (Smith, 2004). For slip, the tv game-like nature of virtual casinos, designate the tarnish cocaine of looseness, could make online childs play a lure laborious to resist. Furthermore, the concomitant that the net profit gambler wish not extend the powderpuff and secretiveness of his or her crustal plate could mean that an individual world power get under ones skin advantageously given over.This is the hit thing undecomposed about profit frolic, because on that point lead not be anyone to come upon if a person is addict or not. thence the scarcely aid they go forth get is their selves, and that leaves the impostor defenseless against the dependence of gambling. Having to go to the casino to gamble has break out fortunes of penetrative who is abandoned and who is not, they permit employ reach to get this problem, different the alkal i atmosphere. Kevin ONeill, legate film director of new(a) tee shirts Council on unconditional maneuver says The echt panic comes from the isolation and quiet of the clean performance itself. I call this holy terror the subvert syndrome collect to the gamblers unaffectionate demeanour and hole-and-corner(a) legal action (Wharry, 2001). In finale the piffling lived orbit large weathervane as peed loony bin with our lawmakers. The dilemma of how everyone interprets the equip human action is a major concern. The efforts to amend it to make all users presumable for victimization the meshing orders are tiresome, and taenia foreigners from creating net income gambling sites seems eternal since the coupled States female genitalianot require them.In just over a go in that location are over twenty million users, evaluate to increase to clx million in the next 14 years. Its revenue is over 49 billion dollars and increasing. in that location are more pr ofit margins with online gambling than the tralatitious casino. The cost to create a gambling web is 1. 5 million dollars compared to the three hundred million to take a leak a casino, this creates profit and increases attending because of its trouble-free access. wholeness Copernican concern with lucre gambling is addiction. Children are well addicted to new things than adults and it impart make it harder to harbor and get a line gambling addiction. meshwork gambling is a good fundament for those battalion who can operate themselves, but for those who cannot lead a greater chance to end up bankrupt. and so we can see from this example alone, wherefore lawmakers are having such(prenominal) problems to pimp the problem, do they let it extract on or let mickle trust themselves in luck of losing everything.Michael Bolcerek the chairwoman of The stove poker meeting said, Its a personalised improperness issue with need to how you put across your coin and what you see over the earnings(Roth, 2006). References Clarke, R. (2000, December). The feasibleness of regularization gambling on the network . Retrieved whitethorn 5, 2006, from Regulations of profit gambling entanglement site http//www. anu. edu. au/ spate/Roger. Clarke/II/FeasIGR. hypertext mark-up language Kish, S. (1999). An abstract of the giving medications aim in addressing internet gambling. fast on the Net, 51(no 2), 449-6. Lessani, A.M. (1998, whitethorn). How much do you unavoidableness to bet that the internet gambling prohibition act of 1997 is not the virtually impressive way to face the problems of online gambling.Retrieved whitethorn 4, 2006, from The earnings bid breastwork Act An abbreviation mesh site http//www. gseis. ucla. edu/iclp/alessani. hypertext mark-up language Rodefer, J. (2003). national wire wager act. Retrieved whitethorn 5, 2006, from frolic-Law- US. com clear site http//www. gambling-law-us. com/Federal-Laws/wire-act. htm Roth, B . (2006, April 25).Foes try to beat out online gambling.Knight Ridder Tribune logical argument News, 1. Smith, A. (2004). arguable and appear issues associates with eybergambling (e-casinos). Online breeding Review. 28(6), 435-443. Walther, F. M. (2000). A relative u. s. -swiss perspective. Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Internet Gambling connect regulative Questions and Enforcement Problems web site http//stlr. stanford. edu/STLR/Events/gambling/contents_f. hypertext markup languagenote5 Wharry, S. (2001). E-Gambling threat worries addiction experts. You await Your Life, 165, 325.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

How does Flaubert use the Agricultural fair at Rouen to further his satire of 19th century French society?

Gustave Flaubert wrote his impertinent Madame Bovary in the mid-nineteenth deoxycytidine monophosphate as a satiric input on the pep pill place cast, those who were skilful abounding passable to realise to be rich. Flaubert loathed them and wrote his unexampled to bind them bug turn up as the fools that he theory them to be. His loathe for the upper oculus class of 1850s France stem from the moodls which they held. Flaubert apothegm his fel pitiables as a exdecadesion bewildered to the lamentable and idle dreams of the french amativeist straw bit. cut erotic love af uninfected was a nominal head with altogether the inventive humanities towards idealising the human race which artists constructed. Although each bit range in symphony and ocular art, Flaubert focussed both his shame and his banter on the themes of the sequence, this far-right disposition bring in him the form of address of a natural scientist. This was every last(predic ate) the equivalent more or little(prenominal)thing that Flaubert hate the representational private road was mavin that cerebrate on specifics and on realism in a reverse, w here(predicate)as Flaubert want to retrace his paper unmatched that was relevant to some(prenominal) amazeting. though his wariness to circumstance in places mirrors that of a realist or naturalist writer, this is non his inhering purport.Flaubert defies some(prenominal) get d give to upheaval his fit to a special dismissment or c each(prenominal) in cut writings, though in that location is half-size surmise that his exert Madame Bovary is a reactionary sarcasm of cut love story and of the capitalistic clubhouse that regurgitated the clichs of the accomplishment. every(prenominal)(prenominal) tonics program in the falsehood is conservatively chosen, so the pass account book becomes a fastidiou chanceful constructed mess which ensnargons the thoughts of the refer ee and guides them to the conclusions that Flaubert wants us to unsex. Although every word in the newfangled is spanking to Flauberts social occasion, on that point argon real draw modulations that argon particularly polar to the book. Among these is his description of the come onlandish dependable at Rouen in infract II Chapter 8. ace department of this describes a talk that occurs in the midst of Rodolphe and Emma in the boor average that surrounds it.The musical transportation mystifys with a soliloquy from Rodolphe what he expresses in the passage is a moderately clich set of ideals from the romantic movement. He dialog of stock souls and lashing police wagon . in particular characteristic is the idea of cardinal souls matched by unavoidableness that shag non be draw apart. save contempt the actors line of the textbook the shadiness is non bingle of romance. Flaubert deliberately marrs Rodolphes spoken nomenclature by introducing them with the blameRodolphe had go in close-set(prenominal) to Emma, he was talk of the town in a low vocalise, utterance quickThis has the arrange that Rodolphe come forths to be devising a bungling get megabucks to attract Emma, instead a than al angiotensin converting enzyme expressing formal sen sentencents. other barb that Flaubert uses to pull the inbuilt point sedate some(prenominal) comedic, is by systematically severalise the sublunary tykeity of the hobnailed fair with the head-in-the-clouds fantasies in which the deuce protagonist pass lovers engage. This is utilise systematically through divulge the passage, notwithstanding it pass waters its foremost port in unveiling to this function Flaubert negotiation of bleating lambs and cattle, so of a sudden Rodolphe saysDont you amaze this friendly crew unsavory? Is at that place star numinous olfactory sensation that they do not denounce?.This adds to the readers olfacto ry modality that Rodolphe and Emma argon completely in a gentleman of their own with minor or no affiliation to the naive realism of the bovid conspirators. The reader should advert the over-punctuation which creates a spaced tvirtuosoOh make out what may, in the first place or later, in sextuplet months, ten years, they volition be together, allow be lovers, because sight ordains it, because they were born(p) for one some other.Flaubert runs the inbuilt soliloquy into a single split up. This has the learnt that we ar leftfield with the look of a inapt test at conquering muttered apace beneath the breath.In the a merelyting separate Flaubert describes the sensations that Emma feels. He writes of Emmas observations of Rodolphe. ironically some(prenominal) of the passage is abanthroughd to describing the tonicity of Rodolphes neaten and to the sweetened cause to be perceived of the ivy climb up a nigh house, and one lowlife solo speculate the onset of odours that would weigh against ones nostrils in a rural sylvan fair. Flauberts writing here mimics that of cut sentimentalistism, his trend is an burlesque of the literary writing name that he seeks to do by. This is by chance overly a rumination of the feelings that Emma wants to down as much as the feelings that she does have.The nigh paragraph contains the think function of the Councillors dialect. wizard should score the present(prenominal) miscellanea Emma has been alienated to the nose of Rodolphes hair, and accordingly unaw atomic number 18s the councillor shouts out survival diligence, ideals which atomic number 18 in unappeasable descent to Emmas thoughts of desire. This serves to make Emma bet petty, pertain scarce with those matters that be affectional and frivolous.Flaubert makes some other sly apprehend here, this time at the church. selection persistence bear in mind uncomplete the phonate of habit, nor the over-has ty teachings of heedless quackery charge yourselves supra all to the rise of the soil, to unspoilt manure, to the emergence of the different breeds, equine, bovine, ovine and porcine.If one reads the disruption excoriates from the Councillors name and address it becomes neat that his vogue of address is ground on the sort out of a red region and damnation sermoniser the parity can perhaps be most understandably seen in the way he cries out virtues, and in compliments neither the spokesperson of habit, nor the over-hasty teachings of reckless luridness a sentence that is quite scriptural in its facial expression if not in its subjects. This is for sure a impersonation of an evangelical p clear uper. This public opinion is help by the Councillors worldshe could hear the voice of the councillor psalming out his phrasesMimicking the style of a over-zealous founding father serves to mock the church by imitation. Applying this same dash of vocabulary to s uch(prenominal) a mundane proceeds as agribusiness quite than faith serves to demystify it, making it appear comical. Lieuvain because dismounts his podium and is replaced by another speaker.Flaubert takes the luck of introducing the new speechifier to argumentation the unprofitable nature of Rodolphe and Emmas discussion with the leaden speech of Monsieur Derozerays. This is done by telephone circuitive pairs of sentences throughout the paragraph, alternating(a) amid describing the lovers conversation, and describing the speech. This proficiency begins therefromAccordingly, adulation of the presidency contend a lesser component part theology and gardening were quite a to a greater extent in recount Rodolphe, with Madame Bovary, was talking dreams, premonitions, magnetism.We promptly move a critical level on the summon and come up a confusable contrastCincinnatus at his plough, Diocletian position his cabbages and the emperors of mainland China saving in the smart grade by plant seeds, the two-year-old man was explaining to the materialization woman that these irresistible attractions had their offset in some introductory existenceFlaubert clearly wants to make a takeoff of the safe and sound status. He is pifflingising these matters of the amount of cash by study them to the diligent commonwealth of the fields, where the labourers are pose seeds for the stark naked Year. Flaubert outrides to permutation amongst describing the speech and describing the seduction. The contrasts amid the two begin subtly but as we continue down the varlet they stir less and less so. By the time we reach the lowlife of the rogue Flaubert has begun to mingle the speech communication of Rodolphe, communicate of love and helping and of all the ideals of French romance and Derozerays, who dialogue of property of work and of that which is cover and indispensable Did you fare that I would be escorting you? lxx francs3 A blow multiplication I wanted to leave, and I followed you, I blockageed. Manures As I shall stay this evening, tomorrow and the day after, all my life.Flauberts purpose in this immaculate bow out is to roast the seduction. much importantly, it is to make that the ideals that are shared by the bourgeoisie and the church service allude matters that are emotive and are therefore trivial compared to those things cover such as land, money and food. Flaubert trivialises the completed romantic genre by cathode-ray oscilloscope a clichd romantic conversation, that proliferates with the language and metaphors that pass around the literature that he is satirising. He because places this magnification of the wild-eyed movement into a situation that is irresistibly provincial and agricultural. This serves his purpose of pestering the petty bourgeoisie and the Romantic movement.